Order or inquire about pricing: (608) 643-3301
Bulk Petroleum
Our dispatched trucks deliver quality Cenex gasoline, diesel fuel, home heating fuel, and quality Cenex and Mobil lubricants to cover all your needs.
The Smart Site System - Tomorrow’s Fuel Today
With the Smart Site system, you always have fuel when you need it. You only pay for the fuel you use based on delivery tickets, and you never have to place a fuel order. You will receive one bill from the coop each month, and your money is not tied up in fuel inventory that is just sitting in your tank.
Smart Site Monitor
The Smart Site system continuously monitors the fuel level in the storage tank, and it sends tank level readings to the controller via radio signals. The monitor is highly accurate and virtually maintenance free. When the fuel in your tank falls below a predetermined level, an order is automatically generated for delivery. GPS technology directs the delivery truck to your tank location.
Deferred Billing Based on Metered Delivery Tickets
Like electricity, it’s always there, and you only pay for the fuel you use.
State Gas Tax Exemption
Download the farmers state gas tax exemption form (PDF, 150.83 KB).